The Young Bond Dossier confirms that Sebastian Faulks is the upcoming Centenary author. Faulks is a highly acclaimed English novelist best known for period pieces such as The Girl at the Lion d’Or, Birdsong, and Charlotte Gray. The 2008 Centenary novel will be titled Devil May Care and will be set during the Cold War following Fleming’s novels with the action played out across two continents, exotic locations and several of the world’s most thrilling cities.
Faulks claims the book is about 80% Fleming down to chapter structure and sentence construction, but was careful not to allow it to become a pastiche.
“Then I took that pattern and added characters and a story of my own with as much speed and as many twists as I thought the reader could bear. I developed a prose that is about 80% Fleming. I didn’t go the final distance for fear of straying into pastiche, but I strictly observed his rules of chapter and sentence construction.” – Faulks
Read more at The Young Bond Dossier.
UPDATE: About Sebastian Faulks, Charlie Higson said,
“I think Sebastian probably doesn’t know what he has let himself in for. He will find himself completely immersed in the world of Bond and for ever after will be pursued as a Bond author. He will now find himself getting requests to do photo shoots wearing the odd tuxedo, and I imagine he’ll say no, but after a while you sort of give in. That’s the thing about James Bond. It just turns everyone into kids.”
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