
Biopic May Star DiCaprio as Ian Fleming

Filed under: Ian Fleming,Misc Films on May 14, 2008 at 1:52 pm

CommanderBond.net alerts us that the Ian Fleming biopic which was announced to be in the works as far back as 2005 is still full steam ahead by Appian Way, Leonardo DiCaprio’s production company. Called simply “Fleming”, the film may star Leo as Ian Fleming himself. I don’t know how I feel about that, though in recent years I must say I think he’s become a pretty good actor and he did successfully portray Howard Hughes. He did so well in that role that he was nominated for an Academy Award.

His latest version of the screenplay begins on the eve of Fleming’s Jamaica wedding in 1952, just before his first Bond novel, “Casino Royale,” was published (a wedding present to his new wife).

It then flashes back to Fleming’s years as a Reuters journalist stationed in Moscow and then a Commander of Naval Intelligence (MI6 code name “17F”) during World War II who devised innovative spying plots.

Read more at The LA Times.


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